Menopause Care Center

Menopause Care Center

Menopause is a natural biological process, when your ovaries stop producing estrogen. It is diagnosed after not having your menstrual period for twelve months, normally in your late 40s or 50s. royal hospital's Menopause Clinic is composed of a multidisciplinary team that assesses and treats all stages of menopause, developing personalised care plans that best suit your needs. The team is led by our internal medicine and gynaecology consultants, supported by experienced nurses, dieticians and psychologists. They work very closely with breast surgery, rheumatology and urogynaecology consultants that provide sub-specialised care in their areas of expertise. The Menopause Clinic is located at the Breast and Women’s Health Center on the 11th floor of royal hospital. It is a very private, comfortable environment, with all the diagnostic capability in the same place. You can have all needed tests and consultations on the same day in this secluded center.


Signs and symptoms of menopause are usually enough to indicate that a woman has started the menopausal transition. Your doctors will advise you on the most appropriate tests to assess your risk factors. Royal Hospital's Menopause Clinic has developed a series of assessment programs most appropriate to each person. All assessment programs include an initial consultation and tests performed on the same day and followed by a consultation a week after when your doctor will discuss your results and a care plan tailored to your needs. Our specialist team can advise the most appropriate assessment program for you. These range from:

  • Base menopause assessment: It includes a consultation with a gynaecologist and internal medicine consultant, where pelvis ultrasound and smear test are performed to confirm diagnosis and assess the main cervix risks
  • Base menopause and breast assessment: It includes base menopause assessment as well as a breast consultation, and if needed mammogram and breast ultrasound. This is appropriate for women above 40 who have not performed a breast assessment within the past year
  • Preventive menopause assessment: In addition to the base menopause assessment, it includes a bone density scan and a series of lab tests that determine additional risk factors, such as osteoporosis and hormonal deficiencies
  • Comprehensive menopause assessment: Includes all the tests in the preventive menopause assessment as well as breast assessment for complete peace of mind

Alternatively you can have an initial consultation with your preferred consultant.



Menopause treatments focus on relieving your symptoms and preventing or managing related, sometimes chronic, conditions that may occur during post-menopause. Treatments may include:

  • Lifestyle counselling, focused on nutrition, physical exercise, pelvic floor education, healthy sleep, mental wellbeing and sexual health
  • Hormone therapy, different treatments are available, and your doctor will advice which one is recommended for you
  • Low-dose antidepressants, that help emotional wellbeing and hot flushes
  • Non-hormonal medications, for specific symptoms or when hormone therapy is not possible
  • Specific risk factor medications, depending on individual needs, doctors may recommend medication to prevent or treat specific conditions such as osteoporosis, blood pressure, etc.